Zeinab Jalalian pressured to express remorse, cooperate with MOIS.
Zeinab Jalalian is under pyschological pressure to express remorse and cooperate with the Ministry of Intelligence.
Zeinab Jalalian was transferred to the quarantine ward of Yazd Prison in mid-November, for the fourth time in six months. Since then she has been allowed to call her family only once, in order to put pressure on her to cooperate with the Intelligence Ministry.
A source close to Zeinab Jalalian said: “Since being detained in Yazd Prison, she has had only one brief telephone call with her family. She told her family that prison security had told her that so long as she would not express remorse and collaborate with interrogators, she would be deprived of all rights of a prisoner.”
Zeinab Jalalian was brutalized, threatened and insulted on the way to the Prison of Yazd.
Zeinab Jalalian is in dire health conditions because she has not received adequate medical care despite being infected with the COVID-19. She already suffered from various illnesses due to nearly 15 years of imprisonment and torture. Her asthma condition has further deteriorated after she contracted the COVID-19 in Qarchak Prison in Varamin.
According to reliable reports, intelligence agencies are increasing physical and psychological pressure on Ms. Jalalian through these repeated relocations.
When she was in Qarchak Prison, intelligence agents approached Ms. Jalalian in the guise of human rights lawyers trying to persuade her to cooperate with intelligence agencies and appear on the state television. She did not agree.
One of the Intelligence Ministry agents who introduced himself as Sirvan Rahimi from Sanandaj, gave her his phone number saying she could call whenever she changed her mind and wished to cooperate with the Intelligence Ministry.
Zeinab Jalalian is sentenced to life in prison. Zeinab Jalalian is serving her 13th year in prison. She suffers from various illnesses, including asthma, pterygium, an oral thrush condition, and GI complications.