NCRI – June 6, 2011 – Women’s World Communication Organization (WWCO), a women’s rights advocate entity that based on its annual procedure nominates the best and the worst judges in the world regarding their loyalty to the equality between women and men in implementing the justice, selected Mohseni Ejei, the Iranian regime’s cruel prosecutor as the worst judge in the world and announced him as the winner of this year’s international truncheon prize.
In its statement, the organization explained ‘issuing the verdict of the Supreme Court’s ruling in restricting women’s rights for divorce’ as its reason for choosing Ejei. The statement emphasized that Ejei and the members of the mullah’s so called justice have not considered how this decision is against equality, and the extent of negative effects it has on the women’s life and on the life of those who have already married or plan to marry.
Ms. Sarvnaz Chitsaz, Chair of the Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, while expressing her pleasure for the WWCO’s decision, pointed out it is more than three decades that the misogynous mullahs ruling Iran, by imposing their laws, have institutionalized gender apartheid in Iran. She added, “the regime’s officials in Executive, Judiciary and Legislative branches not only deserve ‘truncheon’ to pursue a savage gender apartheid, but also their deeds against the women are considered as crime against humanity, and hence they should be tried and punished.
Ejei was one of the members of the ‘Death Commission’ in 1988 that based on Khomeini’s decree massacred 30,000 political prisoners, including a big number of female prisoners. Therefore, he should be brought to justice for crime against humanity.
Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran