The new academic year in Iran sees strict clothing restrictions for female students
The new academic year has seen stepped-up pressure and restrictions on Iranian students, and more arrests and suspension of students.
Simultaneous with the new academic year and the opening of schools, the approval of the new Hijab and Chastity Bill into law for a three-year trial period has created a strict atmosphere in the universities.
On Monday, September 25, social media posts showed images of camouflaged vehicles on parade inside Tehran University and playing anthems from the Iran-Iraq wartime.
Some state-backed student councils have also posted banners indicating the new regulations for students how to dress for school. The councils have also sent text messages to students indicating the new regulations.
Female agents check female students’ clothing at the entrance. They warn students and allow female students only if they wear the Maghnaeh, a head covering that covers the shoulders and the chest. Female students are also required to wear knee-long fatigues.
The Hijab patrols also roam around the central campus and give warnings to students.
Similar reports have emerged from Amir Kabir, Al-Zahra, Allameh Tabatabaii, and Kharazmi universities in Tehran and Isfahan’s University of Art.
The Medical School of Kerman has also posted a banner on the regulations for the clothing of its students.
In the University of Shiraz, they have installed facial recognition technology in the university’s restaurants to impose more restrictions on students. The Shiraz University management has spent 700 million Tomans to install this technology and identify the students who breach the regulations.