Fearing the vast social discontent, the clerical regime in Iran has stepped up its spree of arrests and detentions to prevent another uprising.
Morteza Mahmoudvand, MP from Khorramabad, revealed on June 27, 2023, that hundreds of individuals are being arrested in the capital of Lorestan Province (western Iran). The individuals are under surveillance and interrogation.
Mahmoudvand said, “Those who created these episodes (i.e., the chemical attacks on girls’ schools) come from a spectrum of opponents and opportunists. They must be punished with maximum punishment.” (The state-run Entekhab.ir, June 27, 2023)
A 17-year-old high school student, Setayesh Amiri, has been detained in Adelabad Prison of Shiraz for nearly four months without standing trial.
Shahla Choopani in Saqqez
Forces of the Intelligence Department of Saqqez (Iranian Kurdistan) arrested Shahla Choupani at 9 a.m. on Monday, June 26, 2023.
Agents of the Intelligence Department of Saqqez took away Shahla Choupani, 35, without providing an arrest warrant.
No information is available regarding the charges against Ms. Choupani, the location, and the conditions of her detention.

Three members of a family arrested in Piranshahr
Sorayya, Abdulrahman, and Sadreddin Qaytaran, three family members residing in the Kani Mala village in Piranshahr, have been arrested by security forces in the city and transferred to an unknown location.
Security forces arrested Sorayya Qaytaran without a judicial order at her father’s house on Monday, June 26, 2023.
Abdulrahman and Sadreddin Qaytaran, Sorayya’s brothers, were also arrested at their homes without a judicial order by security forces on June 11, 2023.
The reasons for the arrests, the place of detention, and the charges against these individuals have not been disclosed.

A legal case filed against Marzieh and Ali Adinehzadeh
A legal case was filed against Marzieh Adinehzadeh and her father, Ali Adinehzadeh, at the Prosecutor’s Office of Mashhad for “propaganda against the state” on Tuesday, June 27.
Khosrow Ali Kordi, the Adinehzadeh family’s lawyer, announced that on Tuesday, June 27, a legal case was filed against his clients, Ali and Marzieh Adinehzadeh, under the title of “propaganda against the state” at Branch 903 of the Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Office in Mashhad.
Abolfazl Adinehzadeh, 17, was killed during the recent protests in Mashhad after he was shot 25 times in the abdomen and chest.
Ali Adinehzadeh, his father, Marzieh Adinehzadeh, his sister, Goldasteh Hosseini, his mother, and his uncle were arrested in Mashhad on June 18, the night of his birthday.
They were transferred to prisons in the cities of Shirvan and Bojnurd.
Finally, on June 20, 2023, Ali Adinehzadeh, Marzieh Adinehzadeh, and Goldasteh Hosseini were released from prison upon posting bail.