Speeches in solidarity with the Iranian Resistance, Maryam Rajavi, Iran uprising, #FreeIran2023
The NCRI President-elect, Maryam Rajavi, visited the European Parliament on May 24, 2023. She met with many members of the European Parliament and addressed a meeting bringing dozens of MEPs abreast of Iranian developments. Several MEPs also spoke in that meeting. One of them was Gianna Gancia, a Member of the European Parliament from Italy.
Following is the text of her remarks in solidarity with the Iranian Resistance, Maryam Rajavi, and the Iranian people’s Resistance and uprising.
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, dear colleagues,
We are truly delighted to have Mrs. Maryam Rajavi again as our guest in the European Parliament. Each of us has our own unique story of acquaintance and collaboration with Mrs. Rajavi and the Iranian Resistance. I remember exactly ten years ago, when I was the governor of my province. I tried to do something for a group of women affiliated with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran in Ashraf, who were subjected to torture and harassment.
Thanks to the cooperation between the Iranian Resistance and Mrs. Maryam Rajavi and through me with the Italian government, we transferred these women who had suffered hardships and harassment in Ashraf. These women were oppressed by a misogynistic regime for over 40 years, enduring hardships, torture, and persecution, sacrificing their lives, homes, families, and children.

Mrs. Rajavi has shown us in these years, not only to the women and men of Iran but to the whole world, to all of us, that without sacrifice and without giving up everything and everything in the path of belief and ideal, there is no achievement of freedom and equality. And they are doing this very thing by dedicating their entire lives. For this reason, we thank Mrs. Rajavi and all those who belong to the Iranian Resistance.
I thank Mrs. Rajavi for her resistance, for giving hope to the Resistance Units inside Iran, and for preventing the mullahs’ regime from removing them from the scene of resistance in any part of Iran through terror, fear, and savagery. It is strange that in such circumstances, after 44 years, now that the prospect of the regime’s overthrow is on the horizon, the son of the dictator king, who the people expelled, has now become the self-proclaimed leader of the opposition.

But no one takes this dictator seriously. And for this reason, it is now up to us to declare loudly here in the European Parliament that we stand with the people of Iran and support only those who fight against dictatorship and struggle for a democratic republic, against any form of dictatorship, whether it be from the past or the current religious dictatorship.
We believe that Mrs. Rajavi’s ten-point plan for the future of a free and democratic Iran includes all the aspirations of peace and freedom advocates. Anyone who believes in gender equality in a free Iran should stand with her, with Mrs. Rajavi.
In conclusion, I would like to repeat this beautiful slogan that I always hear from President Rajavi: “No to compulsory veiling, no to compulsory religion, no to dictatorship.”
Thank you.