June 20, 2020 – Prof. Dr. Rita Süssmuth, Speaker of the German Bundestag (1988-1998), and former Federal Minister, sent a message of solidarity to the International Conference at Ashraf 3 marking the 40th anniversary of the beginning of the Iranian Resistance. In parts of her message, Prof. Süssmuth said:
When I think of your life, it becomes clear that we are looking for examples which show a different kind of approach in relations between women and men.
Living in partnership and equality, such that it becomes possible for women to enjoy a different status in society, a different level of recognition that has been missing for a long time and is still not available in a number of countries.
Before you recognize someone as a man or a woman, you see them as a human being. The stereotypes of strong male and weak female would no longer be credible as both of them are human beings.