NCRI Women’s Committee Monthly Report – June 2015
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June began with the execution of women and ended with crackdown measures against them,
banning their entrance into sports stadiums.
Moreover, new crackdown – including gender segregation in the state radio TV organization –
are further signs of an increase on limitations and discrimination against women. The NCRI
Women’s Committee issued an official statement denouncing the suppression against women.
The circumstances of women in detention, deprived of their basic rights even in prisons, were
also in the news this month.
If we place the statement issued by Ahmed Shaheed, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights
in Iran, alongside these developments, one can have a relatively clearer image of the protests
raised against the violation of women’s basic human rights in Iran.
The catastrophic phenomenon of homeless women sleeping on the streets and the spread of
this phenomenon in Tehran were some of the main subjects of the news on women in Iran this
month. Even state-run media were forced to cover this issue. Women and young girls who
have taken refuge to the dangerous streets are most arrested by state agents and thrown into
prison, where they are targets of the most atrocious abuses.
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