In the morning of Thursday, September 26, 2019, Leila Zarafshan was hanged in the Central Prison of Sanandaj.
Leila Zarafshan is the last woman who became the victim of the death penalty during Rouhani’s presidency and under the misogynistic rule of the mullahs. She had been imprisoned for five years for murdering her husband in the Central Prison of Sanandaj.
As in previous cases, the execution of this woman has not been published in the clerical regime’s state-run press and media. Research done on women who murder their husbands indicate that they were victims of domestic violence.
The Iranian regime is the top executioner of women and holds the record on per capita executions in the world. It deploys the death penalty as a tool for maintaining its grab on power and for silencing a disgruntled populace the majority of whom live under the poverty line. The inhuman verdicts of execution, flogging sentences and long term prison sentences particularly for Iranian women are carried out at the end of a non-standard and illegal due process.
With the execution of Leila Zarafshan, the number of women executed during Rouhani’s presidency reaches 95. Seven of these women have been executed only in a three-month period since the beginning of summer.
A 38-year-old woman was executed in Mashhad Central Prison, on August 25, 2019. Four women were executed in eight days in July. They Maliheh Salehian was hanged in the central prison of Mahabad, Zahra Safari Moghadam, 43, was hanged in the Prison of Nowshahr, and Arasteh Ranjbar and Nazdar Vatankhah who had already spent 15 years in prison, were hanged in the Central Prison of Urmia.
The actual number of executions are much higher because the majority of executions in Iran are carried out secretly, away from the public eye where only the masterminds and perpetrators are witness to them.