Kurdish women were banned from wearing traditional dress in public. This was announced by the Security Council of Oshnavieh, West Azerbaijan Province in northwestern Iran, following a traditional feast in Kurdistan called the Cherry Feast.
After a joint meeting of the Security Council, the Department of Intelligence and the Revolutionary Guard Corps in Oshnavieh, the agencies issued a warning according to which Kurdish women were banned from wearing traditional dress in public and in the Cherry Feast.
The Department of Intelligene and the IRGC have also instructed the Governorate of Oshnavieh to prevent citizens from speaking Kurdish in public places.
The measure aims at suppression of Kurds through suppression of their mother tongue, culture and traditions.
The Cherry Feast is a local traditional celebration of the people of Oshnavieh where they sell their garden products. Men and women of Oshnavieh used to participate in this feast with their folklore and traditional outfits but they were prevented from doing so this year.