NCRI Women’s Committee Monthly Report – January 2015
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In the month of January Iranian women have yet again proved to be symbols of sacrifice and perseverance to the very end against the inhumane mullahs’ ruling Iran. Mahin Afzali, 64 was a senior PMOI official living in
Camp Liberty with 36 years of resistance. She died of a heart attack on the morning of January 13, 2015 as a
result of the medical siege imposed by elements of the Iranian regime in Camp Liberty in Iraq. She is the 23rd resident to have died as a result of the inhumane medical siege.
We honor her struggle and determination and dedicate this monthly report to all Iranian women who have
not and will not succumb to the cruelty and inequality imposed by the misogynist mullahs’ regime.
Systematic violations of the right to life
Executions, arbitrary killings, deaths in custody, and death sentences
The killing machine of the Iranian regime’s devious so-called “moderate president” Rouhani continues.
The total number of people executed in 2014 (announced and unannounced) have reached 800, almost
30 of which were women.
Four women were hanged on drug-related charges in the courtyard of Bam prison on December 25,