In 1977, the UN General Assembly announced March 8 as the International Women’s Day.
IWD is a reminder of women’s struggle against discrimination and inequality.
Iranian women have experienced gender discrimination for 40 years under the mullahs’ religious dictatorship.
Thousands of women have sacrificed their lives in the struggle against the mullahs.
Today, a new generation of women have entered the fight against dictatorship.
Women’s role in the November 2019 protests compelled the regime to acknowledge their role.
Women paid a heavy price in the uprising. 400 of 1,500 killed in the protests were women.
In less than two months, women took to the streets again to protest the downing of a Ukrainian passenger aircraft by the IRGC.
What Iranian women have been sacrificing for can be summarized in four words: Freedom, democracy, equality and emancipation.
The brave Iranian women are not only fighting for their own emancipation, but also for the individual freedom of the Iranian people. Their point is that women of all nationalities, religions and social classes should enjoy equal rights with men in all economic, social and political contexts. This clear vision will be realized by the determination of the people and their resistance led by the Iranian women. And so, on this March 8, when the women around the world are striving to achieve equality, the International Women’s Day in Iran stands for freedom and democracy which is adorned with the names of women who gave their lives in the Iran uprising in November 2019, symbolizing a new generation of vanguard women struggling for social equality and freeing their land from theocracy. Women who have proved the “Generation Equality” in practice and in the toughest social scenes in the battle for the overthrow of a religious fundamentalist dictatorship and have obtained the leadership of the uprising for freedom.