Yaresan women are held in deplorable conditions in the Qarchak Prison in Varamin, recently published reports from Iran say.
Sepideh Moradi, Sima Entesari, Shima Entessari, Avisha Jalaleddin, Shokoufeh Yadollahi, Maryam Farsiani, Nazill Noori, Maryam Barakouhi, Elham Ahmadi and Sedigheh Safabakht have been detained since February 20, 2018, in Qarchak Prison under inhuman conditions.
Ms. Sepideh Moradi suffered injuries in the hand, elbow and fingers while being arrested during the Yaresan protest in Tehran. Her legs got burnt due to security forces’ use of tear gas, the scars of which still remain after three months. Ms. Moradi has been denied medical care.
At the same time, these women are under pressure for their weekly visitations. Ms. Avisha Jalaleddin was deprived of visiting her young son. Prison authorities hardly accept the items provided for these women by their families and they are forced to buy their needed items at prices two to three times higher from the prison’s store.