NCRI – December 13, 2012 – Until this regime is in power, repression and discrimination against women shall only increase; the sole solution for equality and vindication of people’s rights, especially that of Iranian women, is the toppling of this regime in its entirety.
In a misogynic and fundamentalist act mullahs’ parliament passed legislation according to which “issuance of passport for single women is only permitted through acquiescence of her guardian or through a decree from a Shariat judge”.
On November 13, mullahs’ parliamentary Commission on National Security and Foreign Policy, in consideration of the Passport Bill, had adopted this article for “single women under 40” (IRGC news agency – Fars). However, mullahs’ parliament declared on December 11 that mention of a particular age has been dropped in this bill.
Safar Naimi, a mullahs’ parliamentarian said: “It is the belief of most members of the committee that issuance of passport for women, whether single or married, should be conditioned on the approval of her guardian or the Shariat judge; meaning that a single woman would need approval from her guardian father, grandfather or Shariat judge; and a married woman has to have the approval of her husband, guardian or the Shariat judge”.
Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance described the new legislation by mullahs’ parliament as yet another misogynic and discriminatory measure against women.
Chair of the Women’s Committee stated: “Of course, repression of women in this regime has been an obvious phenomenon from the outset of its rule and during these years has only intensified despite claims by some reformists. In a recent resolution adopted at United Nations’ Third Committee of the General Assembly chastising the regime, prevalent inequality and violence against women, constant suppression of women’s rights activists, together with escalation of discrimination against women in law and in practice has been cited. United Nations’ Rapporteur for Human Rights, in his third report, has called on the Iranian regime to prevent discrimination against women and girls.
Chair of NCRI Women’s Committee stressed that adoption of such bills demonstrate that any attempt to rescue women’s rights in the framework of the religious fascism ruling Iran will get nowhere and as long as this regime is in power, repression and discrimination against women will only increase and intensify. Therefore, the sole solution for gaining equality and vindicating the right of the people, especially that of women, is the toppling of this regime in its entirety.
Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 13, 2012