On Holocaust Remembrance Day, we remember thousands massacred in Iran
On January 27, International Holocaust Remembrance Day commemorates the genocide that resulted in the deaths of ...
Read moreDetailsExecution of women – Iran, world’s record holder of execution of women
The Iranian regime is the world’s top record holder of per capita executions. The Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran has compiled the names of women executed in Iran since 2007 in a list.
The Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran had also previously mentioned that many of the women executed by the mullahs’ regime are themselves victims of domestic violence against women and have acted in self-defense.
The Iranian regime open-handedly uses the death penalty as a form of punishment. In many cases and in a discriminatory manner this punishment is carried out against the religious and ethnic minorities, political dissidents, and women.
In 2024, the mullahs’ regime hanged an unprecedented 34 women, which is more than double the average number of women executed 4 years before.
Many women are currently awaiting execution in prison. Some of these women are being held in Qarchak Prison on the death row. These women are mostly mothers and have several children.
Political prisoner Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee wrote in a letter on July 27, 2019, about women who were sentenced to death for murder, saying, “In meeting women convicted of murder, I learned that a large percentage of them had murdered their husbands —instantly or based on a pre-meditated plan—after years of being humiliated, insulted, battered and even tortured by them and because of being deprived of their right to divorce. Although, they consider themselves criminals but are convinced that if any of their repeated appeals for divorce had been granted, they would not have committed such a crime.”
On January 27, International Holocaust Remembrance Day commemorates the genocide that resulted in the deaths of ...
Read moreDetailsA woman named Maliheh Haji Hassani was hanged in Adelabad Prison, Shiraz Central Prison. According to ...
Read moreDetailsA woman named Sara M. was executed in Mashhad Prison. The execution was announced in the ...
Read moreDetailsIran is the world’s top executioner of women. No country in the world has executed so ...
Read moreDetailsOctober 10 is the World Day against the Death Penalty and a reminder of our responsibility ...
Read moreDetailsIran is the world’s record holder of execution of women. The number of women executed during ...
Read moreDetailsAnnual Report 2019 - NCRI Women's Committee Download full text The NCRI Women’s Committee puts out ...
Read moreDetailsIn a letter from Evin Prison, human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh protested the execution of the ...
Read moreDetailsThe executions of three Kurdish political prisoners were censured by the UN High Commissioner for Human ...
Read moreDetailsIn an act of protest, a young woman, the neice of a death row political prisoner ...
Read moreDetailsWe work extensively with Iranian women outside the country and maintain a permanent contact with women inside Iran. The Women’s Committee is actively involved with many women’s rights organizations and NGO’s and the Iranian diaspora.
The committee is a major source of much of the information received from inside Iran with regards to women. Attending UN Human Rights Council meetings and other international or regional conferences on women’s issues and engaging in a relentless battle against the Iranian regime’s misogyny are part of the activities of members and associates of the committee.
The copyright of all the material published on this website has been registered under © 2016 the Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran. To obtain permission to copy, redistribute or publish the material published on this website, you should write to the NCRI Women’s Committee. Please include the link of the original article on our website, women.ncr-iran.org.
The copyright of all the material published on this website has been registered under © 2016 the Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran. To obtain permission to copy, redistribute or publish the material published on this website, you should write to the NCRI Women’s Committee. Please include the link of the original article on our website, women.ncr-iran.org.